Monday, January 23, 2012

WEEK THREE: Biological Philosophy

Natural selection works because of variations among organic life. The variations allow humans to have advantages over others. For example, during flu season, thousands of people die from flu symptoms. However, thousands of others survive the season. It is not because of luck, it is because humans have "favorable traits...[and] have a built-in advantage over competitors that do not (page 8)." Natural selection rids of inferior humans.
We are all successes. Our ancestors survived to procreate. Many sperms and eggs never got the chance to create a baby. Many humans have lived, however died before transmitting their genetic code. Our ancestors beat the odds.

The Hybrid plant experiment showed living things have dominant and recessive traits. When the hybrids were self-fertilized, they could be classified as either hybrids, dominant, or recessive. Hybrid means to have both dominant and recessive characters. Dominant means to only have dominant character. Recessive means to only have recessive character.
For instance, your mother has green eyes (recessive trait). Your father has brown eyes (dominant trait). So, more than likely you will be born with brown eyes because it is a dominant trait. You will have the recessive trait of green eyes. When you have offspring, there is a chance your child will have green eyes.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. For example, a man may be able to run faster than others. However, his weakness is that he is color blind. The text states "'a deficiency in one set of organs always being by an increased development of some others--powerful wings accompanying weak feet.
Variety allows the species to remain alive, not extinct. The giraffe species would have died out if there was no variation of longer neck giraffes. Longer neck giraffes can reach food in trees unlike shorter neck ones. The shorter neck giraffes died out when there was scarcity of food on the ground.

The film, "Lice and Human Evolution,"  head lice provide clues about human evolution. Clothes provide when humans started moving from Africa and into colder climates. They find out when humans started wearing clothes by studying lice. Clothing lice can only live off the clothing of humans. They studied when head lice split into clothing lice. 175,000 years ago, clothing lice was created. Which means humans started wearing clothing . When humans lost the fur on their torso, the head lice split into another species. Some of the lice resided on scalps while the others went down south and resided on pubic areas. The lice on the pubic region is called crab lice. The species split two million years ago, which shows the date humans stopped having fur. Lice debunks the Creationism theory since the species proves evolution.
Millions of years ago, our ancestors were apes. There were different types of humans living on earth. Over time, natural selection left only one species of humans to survive. Homo sapiens are the only type of humans alive. In my opinion, natural selection enabled humans to be the smartest living things on this planet.

The film stated, "deceiving oneself in others is how the job gets done." In other words,  people portray themselves in a certain way to fit into their environment. So, they can live and prosper happily. We are "edited," formed into oneself, by what is around us. Our peers made us into what we are now.
The film stated the Intelligent Design movement was created to allow God into biology. The evolution theory completely criticizes the Book of Genesis. The idea of Creationism is taught by those who could not think. In my opinion, evolution provides more understanding than Creationism. I believe in God, however I do not believe in the Bible. A higher power had to create this universe. I do not believe it just magically happened without a higher power. I believe God created the basis and evolution did the rest of the creating of what we have now.

In the film, the Bible states the world was created 6,000 years ago; however, evolution proves the world was created billions of years ago. Richard Dawkins, the narrator of the film,  wants to teach others evolution explains our existence. He believes everything we know about life is explained in evolution.
In my opinion, evolution exists. Evolution contradicts they way we were brought up by our families. I was raised as a Christian. My Christian teachings oppose evolution. I take in account the theory of evolution. I still believe in God, however doubt the Bible because it contradicts evolution.

Mutations exist. For example, bacterial infections are from tiny organisms mutating into virulent forms.There is evidence of evolution by natural selection.One evidence of evolution is the extinction of the short neck giraffes. The long neck giraffes survived through natural selection because they were advantaged .
If you reject evolution, you do not fully understand what is going on in this world. As the text states you might as well suggest that "there is no evidence for gravity existing or that our planet doesn't orbit the sun."

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